Book ID: 46679
Hicks, Marie L.
Guide to the Liverworts of North Carolina. 1992. 120 figures. 154 maps. 239 p. Cloth.
North Carolina is home to 66 genera and 195 species of liverworts - small, mosslike plants occupying moist microhabitats that form an inconspicuous part of the vegetation. This guide provides the first complete field guide to the hepatic flora in North Carolina, from the mountain counties to the piedmont and the coastal plain. The volume offers a key to genera, species description, distribution maps, a glossary, and 120 original drawings of the liverworts as they appear in North Carolina. - Contents: Introduction/ Artificial Keys to Genera/Species Descriptions/ Literature Cited/ Appendix. Alphabetic List of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North Carolina/ Glossary/ DistributionMaps/ Index.