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Book ID: 540
Hakansson, H. and J.Gerloff (Eds.)

Diatomaceae III.Festschrift Niels Foged dedicated on the occasion of this 75th birthday. 1982. (Beih.Nova Hedwigia 73). 63 plates. 49 figs. 386 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 978-3-7682-5473-1)

Contents:Hendey:Tumulopsis fogedi,gen.et species nov. an unusual diatomfrom a South Atlantic Eocene core.1 plate/Schoeman & Ashton:The diatom flora in the vicinity of the Pretoria Salt Pan,Transvaal,Republic of South Africa I.14 plates,1 figure/Krammer:Observations on the alveoliand areolae of some Naviculaceae.7 plates,1 figure/van Dam:On the use of measures of structure and diversity in applied diatom ecology.5 figures/Kingston:Association and distribution of Common Diatoms in Surface Samples from Northern Minnesota Peatlands.2 figures/Carter & Denny:Freshwater algae of Sierra Leone.III.Bacillariophyta:Part(i) Diatoms from the river Jong (Taia) at Naja.8 plates/Koenig:High sand flats on the coasts of Schleswig-Holstein as habitats for diatoms.7 plates, 11figures/Stroemer & Ladewski:Quantitative Analysis of Shape Variation inType and Modern Population of Gomphoneis herculeana.20 figs./Hakansson:Navicula pseudolitoricola sp.nov.,a new subfossil diatom from south Sweden.2 plates/Gerloff & Natour:Diatoms from Jordan III.12 plates/Reimer:Four unreported diatom (Bacillariophyceae) taxa from northwest Iowa.1 plate/Berge:Diatoms as indicators of temporal pH trends in some lakes and rivers in Southern Norway.5 figures /Geissler:Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Variabilität der Schalenmerkmale bei einigen zentrischen Süsswasser-Diatomeen.I.Der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Salzkonzentration auf den Valva-Durchmesser von Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grunow.4 Abbildungen/Florin:Light-microscopical studies ofCymbella diluviana (Krasske) Florin.3 plates/etc.
Autor/Hrsg. Hakansson, H. and J.Gerloff (Eds.)
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) Hakansson, H. and J.Gerloff (Eds.)
Seiten Hakansson, H. and J.Gerloff (Eds.): Diatomaceae III.Festschrift Niels Foged dedicated on the occasion of this 75th birthday.1982.(Beih.Nova Hedwigia 73). 63 plates.49 figs.386 p.gr8vo.Hardbound.(540) 61.00 (ISBN 978-3-7682-5473-1)
Verlag Koeltz Botanical Books
Preis netto 57,01
USD Preis netto 60,4
ISBN/ISSN 9783768254731
ISBN 978-3-7682-5473-1
Akt. Subkriptionspreis Nein
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