Book ID: 107558
Shrestha, Krishna K., Shandesh Bhattarai and Prab in Bandhari
Handbook of Flowering Plants of Nepal. Volume 1: Gymnospermae and Angiospermae: Cycadaceae - Betulaceae. 2018. 12 col. photogr. 1 foldg. map. XI, 648 p. Hardcover.
To be complete in two volumes. Volume 1 covers 91 families (Cycadaceae Betulaceae), 696 genera and ca. 3004 taxa (2857 species, 33 subspecies, 113 varieties, and 1 form) of gymnosperms and flowering plants (nearly 40 percent of 137 doubtful or uncertain species.
The book includes additional information on type specimens of endemic Nepalese species, Nepali names, English names, life forms, elevation ranges, and general distribution for each species. Furthermore, economic values of most species (with use of parts), and information on species with IUCN Red List category, and CITES Appendices are also provided. -Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Spermatophyta /3. GYMNOSPERMS /4. CYCADALES /5. Cycadaceae /6. GINKGOALES /7. Ginkgoaceae /8. GNETALES /9. Gnetaceae /10. EPHEDRALES /11. Ephedraceae /12. PINALES /13. Pinaceae /14. ARAUCARIALES /15. Araucariaceae /16. Podocarpaceae /17. CUPRESSALES /18. Cupressaceae /19. Taxaceae /20. ANGIOSPERMS /21. MPHAEALES /22. Nymphaeaceae23. AUSTROBAILEYALES /24. Schisandraceae /25. PIPERALES /26. Saururaceae / 27. Piperaceae /28. Aristolochiaceae /29. MAGNOLIALES /30. Myristicaceae / 31. Magnoliaceae / 32. Annonaceae /33. LAURALES /34. Lauraceae /35. CHLORANTHALES /36. Chloranthaceae /37. MONOCOTS /38. ACORALES /39. Acoraceae / 40. ALISMATALES /41. Araceae /42. Tofieldiaceae /43. Alismataceae /44. Hydrocharitaceae /45. Aponogetonaceae /46. Juncaginaceae /47. Potamogetonaceae / 48. DIOSCOREALES49. Nartheciaceae /50. Burmanniaceae /51. Dioscoreaceae / 52. PANDANALES /53. Pandanaceae /54. LILIALES /55. Melanthiaceae /56. Colchicaceae /57. Smilacaceae /58. Lliliaceae /59. ASPARAGALES /60. Orchidaceae /61. Hypoxidaceae /62. Iridaceae /63. Asphodelaceae /64. Amaryllidaceae /65. Asparagaceae /66. ARECALES /67. Arecaceae /68. COMMELINALES /69. Commelinaceae /70. Pontederiaceae /71. ZINGIBERALES /72. Musaceae /73. Cannaceae /74. Marantaceae /75. Costaceae /76. Zingiberaceae /77. POALES /78. Typhaceae /79. Bromeliaceae /80. Xyridaceae /81. Eriocaulaceae /82. Juncaceae /83. Cyperaceae /84. Poaceae /85. EUDICOTS /86. Papaveraceae /87. Circaesteraceae /88. Lardizabalaceae /89. Menispermaceae /90. Berberidaceae /91. Ranunculaceae /92. PROTEALES /93. Sabiaceae /94. Nelumbonaceae /95. Platanaceae /96. Proteaceae /97. TROCHODENDRALES /98. Trochodendraceae /99. BUXALES /100. Buxaceae /101. CORE EUDICOTS /102. DILLENIALES /103. Dilleniaceae /104. SAXIFRAGALES /105. Paeoniaceae /106. Hamamelidaceae /107. Daphniphyllaceae /108. Grossulariaceae /109. Saxifragaceae /110. Crassulaceae /111. Haloragaceae /112. ROSIDS /113. VITALES /114. Vitaceae /115. ZYGOPHYLLALES /116. Zygophyllaceae /117. FABALES /118. Fabaceae /119. Polygalaceae /120. ROSALES /121. Rosaceae /122. Elaeagnaceae /123. Rhamnaceae /124. Ulmaceae /125. Cannabaceae /126. Moraceae /127. Urticaceae /128. FAGALES /129. Fagaceae /130. Myricaceae /131. Juglandaceae /132. Casuarinaceae /133. Betulaceae /Appendices.
Volume 2 will comprise the remaining species belonging to Coriariaceae - Apiaceae.