Book ID: 5036
HARRIS, Graham P.
Photosynthesis, productivity and growth: The physio- logical ecology of phytoplankton. 1978. (Archiv f.Hydrobiologie, Beih. 10). 27 figs. 4 tabs. 171 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Contents: Introduction/ The structure and function of the photosynthetic apparatus/ In vivo fluorescence/ The effect of lightintensity and quality on the structure and composition of the photosynthetic apparatus/ Electron transport, action spectra and thequantum yield of photosynthesis/ Light absorption and the light-limitedrate of photosynthesis/ Photosynthetic carbon fixation/ Carbohydratemetabolism/ Induction phenomena and the effects of temperature/ Glycolate metabolism/ Photorespiration/ Respiration/ The effects oftemperature on the rate of respiration/ Methods (Oxygen techniques,Carbon techniques)/ Photoinhibition/ Photosynthesis at saturatingirradiances/ Diel patterns of photosynthetic activity/ Photosynthetic control: Light saturation and transients/ etc./ Bibliography(p. 128-171).