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Book ID: 5099
HATTORI, Sinske (ed.)

Proceedings of the World Conference of Bryology, Tokyo, Japan, May 23-28, 1983. Part 2. 1984. (Journ.Hattori Bot.Lab., No. 56). illustrated. II,269 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

Contents (partly): Biogeography (R.Duell: Computerized evaluation of the distribution of European liverworts/ C.Sergio: The distribution and origin of Macaronesian bryophyte flora/ A.J.Sharp: Geographical relationships in the bryoflora of Mexico/ W.C.Steere: The continental affiliation of the moss flora of Hispaniola/ etc.)/ Ecology (R.I.LewisSmith: Colonization by bryophytes following recent volcanic activity on an antarctic island/ T.Nakamura: Development of terricolous moss communities in subalpine coniferous forests of Mt.Fuji/ G.B.A. van Reenen & S.R.Gradstein: An investigation of bryophyte distribution and ecology along an altitudinal gradient in the Andes of Colombia/O.Thaithong: Bryophytes of the mangrove forest/ J.E.Beever: Mossepiphytes of tree-ferns in a warm-temperate forest, New Zealand)/Morphology and Cytology (R.Udar & S.C.Srivastava: Scanning electron microscopy of spores of some Indian liverworts/ G.G.Haessel de Menendez: The bulbils of the Lepidoziaceae/ E.Egunyomi: A survey of asexual reproductive diaspores in the Nigerian moss flora/ etc.)/ Physiology and Morphogenesis (S.Russell: Growth measurement in bryophytes: A case study/ H.Shimizu, Y.Takeuchi, K.Satake & T.Totsuka:Growth and photosynthesis of a moss Plagiomnium maximoviczii (Lindb.)Kop. (1) Effects of light intensity/ S.C.Bhatla: Onset of reproductive phase in the moss Bryum argenteum Hedw.: Involvement of cyclic AMP/K.Mehra (nee K.R.Rahbar): Studies of hormones and chelates/ etc.)/Chemistry (T.Ichikawa, K.Yamada, M.Namikawa, K.Sakai & K.Kondo: New cyclopentonyl fatty acids from Japanese mosses/ Y.Asakawa: Somebiologically active substances isolated from Hepaticae: terpenoids and lipophilic aromatic compounds/ C.-L.Wu: Sesquiterpenes from Taiwanese liverworts/ R.Mues, S.Hattori, Y.Asakawa & R.Grolle: Biosystematicstudies on Frullania jackii and F.davurica/ etc.).
Autor/Hrsg. HATTORI, Sinske (ed.)
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) HATTORI, Sinske (ed.)
Seiten HATTORI, Sinske (ed.): Proceedings of the World Conference of Bryology, Tokyo, Japan, May 23-28, 1983. Part 2. 1984. (Journ.Hattori Bot.Lab., No. 56). illustrated. II,269 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. (5099) 60.99
Verlag Hattori Botanical Laboratory
Preis netto 57,00
USD Preis netto 60,4
ISBN/ISSN 2240000050997
ISBN 2240000050997
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