Book ID: 53576
Aerts, R. and G. W. Heil (eds.)
Heathlands.Patterns and Processes in a Changing Environment.1992.(Geobotany,20).Illustr.V,223 p.4to.Hardcover
Contents: General introduction/ Atmospheric deposition of sulphur andnitrogen in heathland ecosystems/ Biomass and nutrient dynamics ofdominant plant species from heathlands/ The effect of external stressand disturbance of Calluna-dominated heathland vegetation/ Competitionbetween dominant plant species in heathlands/ Seed bank, germination,and establishment of ericaceous and gramineous species in heathlands/Impact of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on dry heathlands: a stochastic model simulating competition between Calluna vulgaris andtwo grass species/ Synthesis: perspectives for heathlands/ List ofcontributors/ Index.
Second hand copy. Signature on front paper. Good state.