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Book ID: 110505
Grilli, E., H. J. Beker, U. Eberhardt and N. Schütz

Hebeloma. SUPPLEMENT. 2020. (Fungi Europaei, 14 A). 294 col. photogr. 86 micrographs. VIII; 468 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. In English, with keys in German, French, English and Italian.

Foreword, Acknowledgments, I Introduction, II Observational protocol, descriptive terminology and coding conventions, III Determining the correct sections, Key to Hebeloma sections, Key to Hebeloma section Denudata, IV An overview of the species confirmed in Italy, Taxonomy, V Hebeloma section Hebeloma, VI Hebeloma section Denudata, Hebeloma subsection Crustuliniformia, Hebeloma subsection Clepsydroida, Hebeloma subsection Echinospora, Hebeloma subsection Hiemalia, VII Hebeloma section Sinapizantia, VIII Hebeloma section Velutipes, IX Hebeloma section Duracinus, X Hebeloma section Myxocybe, XI Hebeloma section Naviculospora, XII Hebeloma section Scabrispora, XIII Hebeloma section Syrjense, XIV Hebeloma section Theobromina, XV Hebeloma section Sacchariolentia, XVI Hebeloma section Porphyrospora, XVII Hebeloma section Pseudoamarescens, XVIII European Hebeloma species not yet confirmed from Italy, Alpine or arctic species not yet confirmed from Italy, Boreal or subalpine species not yet confirmed from Italy, Other species not yet confirmed in Italy, XIX Final Remark, XX Bibliography, XXI Iconography, XXII General keys, Taxonomic Index.

Determination keys to all European species in English, German, French and Italian.

Autor/Hrsg. Grilli, E., H. J. Beker, U. Eberhardt and N. Schütz
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) Grilli, E., H. J. Beker, U. Eberhardt and N. Schütz
Verlag Candusso Editrice Dr.ssa Lidia Carla Candusso
Preis netto 78,50
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ISBN/ISSN 9788894371017
ISBN 9788894371017
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