Book ID: 23238
Heft 058: Sharma,P.:The Freshwater Chaetophora- les of New Zealand(=The Freshwater Algae of New Zealand,1).1986.6 maps. 143 plates. XII,312 p.4to.Paper bd.
Contents:Preface/Contents/Abstract/Acknowledgements/Introduction/General survey of the taxonomic literature on Chaetophorales(Systematicsand distribution/Monographic and revision work)/Material and method(Field collections/Laboratory procedure/ Culture/Scanning electronmicroscopy)/Systematic part(Classification/ Taxonomy and the descriptionof the species occuring in New Zealand)/General discussion andconclusion/Literature cited/Appendix I:Latin diagnoses of the new taxa described/Appendix II:List of chaetophoralean taxa previously recorded from New Zealand but not encountered during the present investigation/Epilogue/Index to plant names/Maps/Illustrations/-This is volume 1 of a 3-volume monograph on the freshwater algae of New Zealand.