Book ID: 36596
Heft 095: Kristiansen, J., G.Cronberg and U. Geissler (eds.): Chrysophytes. Developments and Perspectives. Proceed- ings of the Second International Chrysophyte Symposium 3.-5. August, 1987, Berlin. 1989. 72 Fototafeln. zahlr. Abbildungen und Tabellen. XIV, 288 S. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Contents: Preface/ List of Participants/ Taxonomy, structure andultrastructure (Andersen, R.A.: The Synurophyceae and their relationshipto other golden algae/ Sandgren, C.D. & S.B.Barlow, Siliceous scaleproduction in chrysophyte algae. II. SEM observations regarding theeffects of metabolic inhibitors on scale regeneration in laboratorypopulation of scale-free Synura petersenii cells/ Sandgren, C.D., SEMinvestigations or statospore (stomatocyst V) development in diversemembers of the Chrysophyceae and Synurophyceae/ etc.)/ Ecologicalstudies (Eloranta, P.: On the ecology of the genus Dinobryon in Finnishlakes/ Silver, P.A., The separation of Mallomonas acaroides v. acaroidesand v. muskokana (Synurophyceae) along a pH gradient/ Kurata, A.: Therelationship between metal concentrations and Uroglena americana bloomsin Lake Biwa, Japan/ etc.)/ Biogeographical studies (Cronberg, G.:Scaled chrysophytes from the tropics/ Hickel, B. & I.Maass: Scaledchrysophytes, including heterotrophic nanoflagellates from the lakedistrict in Holstein, northern Germany/ etc.)/ Further Abstracts, Titles, Discussions/ Excursion Report.