Book ID: 34573
USMANGHANI, Khan, Gisho HONDA and Waturu MIKI
Herb Drugs and Herbalists in Pakistan. 1986. (Studia Culturae Islamicae, 28). 38 plates. 281 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Contents: Names of Herbalist's Materials from Karachi Market/ Simplesand Prescriptions by Herbalists: A Handbook of Clinic (Text/ EnglishTransla tion (abridged) - Mufradat (Simples)/ Murakkabat (Compounds)/The Appropriate Uses of Mufradat/ Murakkabat, Action and Properties/Prescriptions of Hamdard Clinic - Therapeutic Index/ Categories of Hakim's Drug Preparation)/ Illustrations (Herbalist's Materials from Karachi Market/ Some Herbalist Stores and Clinic)/ Family History of a Hakim/ Short References/ Indices (Index/ List of Scientific Names of Plants used as Herb Drugs in Pakistan).