Book ID: 5465
Hooker, J. D.
Flora Tasmaniae. 2 volumes bound in1 volume. 1860. (The Botany, The Antarctic Voyage of H. M. Discovery Ships Erebus and Terror, in the Years 1839 - 1843, under the opmmand of Captain Sir James Clark Ross/ Reprint 1963. CXXVIII, 379 & 422 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
General features of the Floras of Australia, Tasmania, etc. Phytogeography, annotated list of edible plants of Australia/Botanical explorations in Australia/ Annotated descriptive flora ofTasmania/ With key to families, local and general range.Vol.1: Dicotyledons and Coniferae/ Vol.2: Monocotyledons and Cryptogams(The cellular cryptogams by other authors).
Good second hand copy.