Book ID: 97943
Humboldt, A. v., A. Bonpland and C. S. Kunth
Nova genera et species plantarum quas in peregrinatione orbis novi collegerunt, descripserunt, partim adumbraverunt Amat. Bonpland et Alex. de Humboldt; ex schedis autographis Amati Bonplandi in ordinem digessit Carol. Sigismund Kunth, accedunt tabulae aeri incisae, et Alexandri Humboldt notationes ad geographia plantarum spectantes. 1815 - 1825. ( Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland, Tome 6: Botaniqu
This work was published in two editions, 4to and folio. This facsimileoffers the folio edition, including all coloured plates. - Stafleu,TL2, 3143.