Book ID: 1528
Proceedings of the Final Research Co-Ordination Meeting of the Improvement of Vegeta- tively Propagated Crops and Tree Crops through induced Mutations orga- nized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Isotope and Radiation Applica- tions of Atomic Energy for Food and Agricultural Development and held in Coimbatore, India, from 11 to 15 February, 1980. 1982. (Panel Procee- dings Series). illustr. 310
Contents (partly): Significance of in vitro adventitious bud techniquesfor mutation breeding of vegetatively propagated crops/ Progress inmutation breeding of apples (Malus pumilla Mill.) at Long Ashton Research Station, Bristol, United Kingdom/ Mutagenesis applied toimprove fruit trees: Techniques, methods and evaluation ofradiation-induced mutations/ Development of compact mutants in apple andsour cherry/ Some morphological and physiological features of severaldwarf apple sports induced by gamma rays/ Progress in selection forsodium chloride, 2,4-D dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) andstreptomycin tolerance in Citrus sinensis ovular callus lines/ Inductionof mutations in citrus for the development of resistance to Xanthomonascitri (Hasse) Dowson/ etc.