Book ID: 58368
Khatoon, Surayya and S.I. Ali
Chromosome Atlas of the Angiosperms of Pakistan. 1994. VII,232 p.gr8vo.Hard cover.
This is the first ever compilation of the chromosomal information aboutthe plants of Pakistan. The Atlas provides chromosomal counts availableup to 1991, based on local material and materials from neighbouringareas, such as adjacent part of India, Kashmir, Afghanistan and Iran. Itincludes about 3129 entries in 101 dicot and 20 monocot families,covering 775 genera and 1777 species and infraspecific taxa, that makeabout 34% of our angiospermic flora. The basic chromosome number andploidy level for each species is also mentioned. Maps of physicalfeatures, annual rainfall pattern and phytogeographic regions of Pakistan and Kashmir are provided. In addition to these, map of sampling localities in Pakistan and Kashmir is also given, whichreveals the more adequately and less or unsampled areas. A table aboutthe present situation of the chromosome number information in allangiospermic families in the flora of Pakistan is given at the end ofthe Atlas. This Atlas, therefore, not only compiles all the availablechromosomal information about the angiosperms of Pakistan, but alsomentions the geographic and taxonomic lacunae to be filled in by thefuture workers. The Chromosome Atlas would be helpful for biosystematists; at the same time it would facilitate a betterutilization of the plant wealth of this part of world by providinginformation to cytologists and agronomists etc.