Book ID: 116843
Mercier, D.P. and J.-M. Royer
La centurie Ronces vosgiennes, 1864- 1869, réalisée par Nicolas-Jean Boulay et ses collaborateurs.2024. ((Evaxiana, 11:4).344 plates. 355 p. 4to. Paper bd.
The taxonomy and nomenclature of the Rubus published in the collection 'Ronces vosgiennes' are studied. For each of the new taxa, the type specimen is cited,or, if lacking, designated. A taxonomic analysis of the speciemens is also provided when elements are available. Also, for a better understanding of this document, the full retranscription of the writings associated to these specimens are give. Some new names to replace the illegitimate names are published. The appendix presents a dichotomous key for the purpose of identification of the Ronces vosgiennes taxa.