Book ID: 94407
San Pio Aladren, Maria Pilar (ed.)
La Coleccion von Berkhey del Real Jardin Botanico. Un Atlas del Reino Vegetal en el Sieglo XVIII. 2007. Many colorplates. 328 p. Hardcover. (27 x 31 cm). In Box.
Presents plant paintings from a period of approximately 40 years byJan le Francq van Berkhey (1729 -1912), in Dutch style, conserved at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales and the BibliotecaNacional (Madrid). The volume contains extensive background informationby E. Aguirre, Sandra Knapp, Walter Lack, Maria Pilar de San PioAladren, Charlie Jarvis, H. Sipman, Iria Casal Romero, J. Armada,S. Castroviejo, and includes also an English translation of theSpanish contributions.