Book ID: 25305
TAUB, F.B. (ed.)
Lakes and Reservoirs. 1984. (Ecosystems of the World, vol. 23). illustr. XIII,643 p. Lex8vo. Bound.
Contents: Ecosystem processes/ Mathematical models of lakes andreservoirs/ Polar limnology/ The large lakes of Sweden: Vaenern, Vaettern, Maelaren and Hjaelmaren/ North American Great Lakes/ Theecosystem of eutrophic Lake Esrom/ The British Lakes/ Lake Balaton: Ashallow Pannonian water in the Carpathian basin/ Lago Maggiore/Ecosystems of European man-made lakes/ Reservoirs in the Great Plainsof North America/ Limnology of Japanese Lakes and Ponds/ Lakes of themiddle and lower basins of the Chang Jiang (China)/ Lakes and reservoirsof Israel/ Lake Nasser-the new man-made lake in Egypt/ Reservoirs andlakes of Southeast Asia (Oriental Region)/ Central American limnologyand Gatun Lake, Panama/ Some lakes of Subsaharan Africa/ AustralianLakes/ The saline lakes of Canada/ The San Roque Reservoir and otherman-made lakes in the central region of Argentina/ Lake restorationresults/ Systematic list of genera/ Author index/ Systematic index/General index.