Book ID: 6775
The Loganiaceae of Africa VIII,Strychnos III. Revision of the African species with notes on extra-African.1969. (Med.Landb.hogesch.Wagengn.,69:1).6 photogr.45 figs.316 p.gr8vo. Paper bd.
General part: History of the genus, geogr. distribution, habit and growth, anatomy, flowering season, vernacular names, uses, citation of specimens, relationship to other genera./ Taxonomic part: Genus Strychno, important references of extra- African Strychnos- species,sectional arrangement, discussion of the relationship of the sections,key to African species based on flowering specimens, key to African species based on fruiting specimens, the African species, hybrids,doubtful species, nomina nuda, excluded species, list of names and synonyms not cited elsewhere in the revision, acknowledgements, index of exsiccatae/ Register.- Second hand copy.