Book ID: 26784
Isely, Duane
Leguminosae of the United States. Astragalus L.: 4: Spe- cies Summary N-Z. 1986. (Iowa State Journal of Res., vol. 61:2). 132 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. - With book reviews.
This is the fourth contribution to a taxonomic-descriptive treatment ofAstragalus, native, established, and cultivated in the United States. Itconcludes the descriptive portion. Species are listed in alphabeticsequence. Included for each is a taxonomic description of the plant, itsgeographic range and habitat, synonymy listing, keys to varieties ifany, and usually brief discussion. A few new combinations and new varieties in Astragalus were published in Isely (1983b). To these onemore, A. pleianthus (Shinners) Isely comb.nov., is added herein.