Book ID: 37769
Los generos Heppia y Peltula (Liquenes) en Europa Occidental y Norte de Africa. 1989. (Bibl. Lichen., Bd. 31). 29 figs. 122 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. - In Spanish, with summaries in Spanish and English.
The genera Heppia and Peltula inWestern Europe and Northern Africa are studied. Six species belonging to Heppia and ten species and one variety to Peltula are described. Heppiagigantea Egea & Llimona is described here as new. Three new combinations are proposed: Peltula crispatula (Nyl.) Egea, P. obscuratula (Nyl.) Poelt ex Egea & P. psammophila (Nyl.) Egea. The following taxa are synonimized: Heppia atlantica Gyeln. = H. lutosa (Ach.) Nyl.,Solorinaria collemacea (Weddell) Gyeln. = Peltula obscurans (Nyl.)Gyeln., Heppia subrosulata Stein. and H. granulata R.G. Werner = P.obscuratula (Nyl.) Egea. Heppia cavalieri R.G. Werner, H. faurelii R.G.Werner and H. nevadensis R.G. Werner are excluded from the genera. From very species, a complete description and other general dates like distribution, habitat and different observations are given. For every taxon a distribution map is added. By the last, an identification key including all treated species is presented here.