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Book ID: 106694
Mabberley, David J.

Mabberley's Plant Book. A portable dictionary of plants, their classification and uses. 4th rev. ed. 2017. XIX, 1112 p. Hardcover.

Mabberley's Plant-Book is internationally accepted as an essential reference text for anyone studying, growing or writing about plants. With some 26,000 entries, this comprehensive dictionary provides information on every family and genus of seed-bearing plant (including conifers), plus ferns and clubmosses, besides economically important mosses and algae. The book combines taxonomic details and uses with English and other vernacular names found in commerce. The third edition was recognised in the American Botanical Council's annual James A. Duke Excellence in Botanical Literature Award for 2008 and the International Association for Plant Taxonomy's Engler Medal in Silver for 2009. In this new edition, each entry has been updated to take into consideration the most recent literature, notably the greater understanding resulting from molecular analyses; over 1400 additional entries (including ecologically and economically important genera of seaweeds) have been included, ensuring that Mabberley's Plant-Book continues to rank among the most practical and authoritative botanical texts available. A major revision of this essential reference, fully updated throughout and with 1400 new entries, it supersedes previous editions to provide a guide to vascular plants, their botany and relationships, their uses and their common names · Provides a balanced review and synthesis of the current literature, covering every family and genus of seed-bearing plant (including conifers), as well as ferns and clubmosses, and economically important mosses and algae · Serves as a key to the definitive taxonomic revisions, enabling readers to successfully access primary research resources.
Autor/Hrsg. Mabberley, David J.
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) Mabberley, David J.
Seiten Mabberley, David J.: Mabberley's Plant Book. A portable dictionary of plants, their classification and uses. 4th rev. ed. 2017. XIX, 1112 p. Hardcover. (106694) 81.32
Verlag Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building Account number 0060026093
Preis netto 85,00
USD Preis netto 90,1
ISBN/ISSN 9781107115026
ISBN 9781107115026
Akt. Subkriptionspreis Nein
Marktschreier Info Nein
90,95 € inkl. MwSt (EU – Käufer) *
85,00€ exkl. MWSt. (Andere Käufer)
(90,10 US$)
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