Book ID: 91180
Mohlenbrock, Robert H.
Acanthaceae to Myricaceae. Water Willows to Wax Myrtles. 2008. (Aquatic and Standing Water Plants of the Central Midwest, vol.3). 326 figs. XVI, 440 p. Hardcover.
This easy-to-use illustrated reference guide covers aquatic and standing water plants for the states of Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Kentucky (excluding the biologically distinct Cumberland Mountain region of eastern Kentucky), from spearmint to wintergreen, from aster to waterwort. The volume identifies, describes, and organizes species in three groups, including truly aquatic plants, whichspend their entire life with their vegetative parts either completely submerged or floating on the waters surface; emergents, which are usually rooted under water with their vegetative parts standingabove the waters surface; and wetland plants, which live most or all of their lives out of water, but which can live at least three months in water. Mohlenbrock lists the taxa alphabetically, and within each taxon, he describes the species with the scientific names he deems most appropriate (indicating if his opinion differs from that of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service), common names, identification criteria, line drawings, geographical distribution, habitat description, and official U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service wetlands designation as described by the National Wetland Inventory Section in 1988.