Book ID: 22062
Museum Collections: Their Roles and Future in Biological Research.1985.(Occasional Papes of the British Columbia Provincial Museum,25).X,221 p.4to.Paper bd.
Contents (partly): Research: A Museum Cornerstone, R.Y. Edwards/Botanical Collections in Museums, R.T. Ogilvie/ The Significanceof Type Specimens and Old Collections to Research in the BiologicalSciences, W.B.N. Berry/ Museum Collections and the Evolutionary Studyof Growth and Development, P. Alberch/ Museum Collections and the Studyof Geographic Variation, A.J. Baker/ Museum Collections andPhytogeography, A.Ceska/ Museum Collections, Comparative Anatomy andthe Study of Phylogeny, R.J. Raikow/ Adaptive Inference and MuseologicalResearch, W.J. Bock/ Etc.