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Book ID: 7200
Moerzer bruyns, M. F. and W. J. Wolff (eds.)

Nature conservation, nature management and physical planning in the Wadden Sea Working Group. 1983. (Wadden Sea Working Group, Report 11) 42 figs. 163 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

Contents (Main headings): Conclusions and Recommendations/ Introduction/ Political and Administrative Organization and PropertySituation in the Wadden Sea Area/ Planning in the Wadden Sea Area:Planning Systems and Present Situation/ Nature Conservation in theWadden Sea Area: Methods and Present Status/ Exploitation and Use ofthe Wadden Sea Area: Present Situation and Regulations/ Coastal Protection and Land Reclamation in the Wadden Sea Area/ InternationalConventions Relevant for the Protection and Management of the WaddenSea Area/ Major Areas of Conflict between Nature Conservation and otherInterests in the Wadden Sea Area/ A Model for Protection and Managementof the Wadden Sea Area/
Autor/Hrsg. Moerzer bruyns, M. F. and W. J. Wolff (eds.)
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) Moerzer bruyns, M. F. and W. J. Wolff (eds.)
Seiten Moerzer bruyns, M. F. and W. J. Wolff (eds.): Nature conservation, nature management and physical planning in the Wadden Sea Working Group. 1983. (Wadden Sea Working Group, Report 11) 42 figs. 163 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. (7200) 8.56
Verlag CRC Press / Bookpoint Taylor & Francis The Netherlands 130 Milton Park
Preis netto 8,00
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ISBN/ISSN 2240000072005
ISBN 2240000072005
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8,56 € inkl. MwSt (EU – Käufer) *
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