Book ID: 43189
Neogene-Quaternary Geology of the High Plain of Bogo- ta (Eastern Cordillera, Colombia). Stratigraphy, Paleoenvironments and Landscape Evolution. 1990. (Diss.Bot., Bd. 163). 2 maps. VI,202 p.gr8vo. Paper bd.
Contents (main headings): General introduction/ Neogene-Quaternarylithostratigraphy and depositional environments/ Neogene-Quaternarybiostratigraphy and paleoenvironments, by P.Kuhry and K.F.Helmens/Absolute chronology, by K.F.Helmens, P.A.M.Andriessen and P.A.Riezebos/Paleosol sequence/ Glacial sequence/ Mapping of the area/ A generaloverview of the Neogene-Quaternary history of the area of the high plainof Bogota/ Acknowledgements/ References/ Summary/ Samenvatting/ Resumen/Appendix: Neogene-Quaternary geological maps of the upper drainage basinof the Rio Bogota.