Book ID: 74368
Merian, Maria Sibylla
Neues Blumenbuch. Nürnberg 1680. (Faksimile 1999. 36 Farbtafeln. 2 S. Text.- Mit einem Kommentarband (95 S.). In einer Kassette. 31x20 cm.
This is a facsimile of the first publication of the world - famousGerman flower - painter Maria Sybille Merian. Originally published in 1780 at Nürnberg / Germany. - This facsimile is accompanied byan extra volume by Thomas Bürger and Marina Heilmeyer, with biographicinformation on the artist, and botanical and floristic aspects of the'Neues Blumenbuch' . Well produced and reasonably priced. A good book togive away to friends.