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Book ID: 92660
Oude Lansink, Alfons G. J. M. (ed.)

New Approaches to the Economics of Plant Health. 2007. (Wageningen UR Frontis Series, Volume 20). VIII, 208 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.

Presents a number of recent scientific developments regarding theeconomic analysis of impacts that harmful organisms have on agricultureand the environment, and of measures to control these organisms. It alsocontains a number of new approaches that integrate economic and epidemiological modelling and economic approaches for measuring theseimpacts. Contents (partly): Robust inspection for invasive species witha limited budget/ On economic-cost minimization versus biological-invasion damage control/ Designing optimal phytosanitary inspection policy: a conceptual framework and an application/ Quantifying risks andeconomic effects using spatial models/ Evaluating the cost-effectivenessof brown-rot control strategies: development of a bio-economic model ofbrown-rot prevalence in the Dutch potato production chain/ etc.
Autor/Hrsg. Oude Lansink, Alfons G. J. M. (ed.)
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) Oude Lansink, Alfons G. J. M. (ed.)
Seiten Oude Lansink, Alfons G. J. M. (ed.): New Approaches to the Economics of Plant Health. 2007. (Wageningen UR Frontis Series, Volume 20). VIII, 208 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.(92660) 96.25
Reihentitel Wageningen UR Fronti
Verlag Springer Nature, KNR: 300 224 8189 Customer Service Center GmbH Kundenservice Buch
Preis netto 89,95
USD Preis netto 95,4
ISBN/ISSN 9781402058257
ISBN 9781402058257
Akt. Subkriptionspreis Nein
Marktschreier Info Nein
96,25 € inkl. MwSt (EU – Käufer) *
89,95€ exkl. MWSt. (Andere Käufer)
(95,40 US$)
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* Kunden mit europ. Mehrwertsteuernummer zahlen keine MwSt.
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