Book ID: 57158
Nygaard, Gunnar, Jiri Komarek, Joergen Kristiansen and Olav M. Skulberg
Taxonomic designations of the Bioassay alga NIVA-CHL 1 ("Slenastrum capricornutum) and some related strains. 1986. (Opera Botanica, 90). 35 figs. 9 tabs. 46 p. Lex8vo. Paper bd.
An outline is given of the application, physiological characteristicsand pigmentation of NIVA-CHL1, named "Selenastrum capricornutum". Thisstrain and clonal isolates of 12 related algae from Norway, Denmark, Holland and Kenya were grown as non-axenic batch cultures. Shape anddimensions of the cells were studied on the basis of LM-photomicrographs, combined with EM-micrographs and with observations on living cells.The mother cell wall breaks in different ways before the four or eightautospores are released; the individual opening pattern is of significant taxonomic value. EM-micrographs disclosed a rugose wall ofthe NIVA-CHL1 cells and a well defined specific ultrastructure on thecell apices of some of the other strains. Four quantitative charactersshowed large variations and overlap, especially the curvature values,while the diameter/breadth ratio and the sinus/cell ratio seemed to beof some taxonomic value. Nine strains were referred to the genusRaphidocelis: NIVA-CHL1 has been designated R. subcapitata and thefollowing three species have been described as new: R. van-goori (+ var.decussata), R. inclinata (+ var. serialis) and R. valida. Three of thestrains have been referred to Monoraphidium, one of them as M. lunaren.sp. One strain was described as Nephrochlamys rostrata n.sp. - Out ofprint. Only few copies available.