Book ID: 7628
(Oceanic phyto- plankton and primary production). 1982. 8 pls. figs. tabs. 125 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. - In Russian, each contribution contains summary in English.
Phytoplankton of the Southern Atlantic in November-December of 1971/Morphology of the frustule of Eucampia balaustium Castr.(Bacillariophyta,Biddulphiaceae)/ The phytoplankton of the western boundary currentsof the tropical Atlantic (net samples)/ Phytoplankton near the northerncoast of Brazil on the section along 62-51 degrees W, 8-14 degrees N(water bottle samples)/ On the dependance of the development ofphytoplankton in the Gulf of Mexico on the abiotic factors/Phytoplankton in the area to the north of Cap-Blanc/ The seasonalchanges of cell size and shape of the common planktonic algal speciesin the Black Sea/ Assimilation number and its variation in the culturesand natural populations of marine phytoplankton.