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Book ID: 110341
Prashop, P. and S. M. Thomas

Osbeckia L. (Melastomataceae) in India. 2020. illus. VI, 124 p. Hardcover.

Osbeckia L. (Melastomataceae) in India: gives a complete account of the Indian species of Osbeckia. This genus is one of the most beautiful with a high level of diversity. In this book a total of 23 species and 4 varieties of Osbeckia distributed in the Indian region have been documented through original taxonomic revisionary study. It provides accounts of species of Osbeckia present in the Indian region with their correct nomenclatural status in light of modern classification. One new taxa and few new combinations have also been made in Osbeckia L. (Melastomataceae) in India. The distributional aspects, nomenclatural and ecological notes are revisited here to evaluate the information on spread, endemic nature and habitat.

The book is supplemented with detailed description, photo-plates showing the details of the habit, floral parts, correct nomenclature together with keys for easy field identification, One of the significant features is the presentation of Comparative morphology of all the species with photographs of live plants. This revisionary study is useful to the plant taxonomists. Most of the queries on Indian Osbeckia will be satisfactorily resolved by this book. This work is first of its kind in the genus Osbeckia L. in India.
Autor/Hrsg. Prashop, P. and S. M. Thomas
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) Prashop, P. and S. M. Thomas
Verlag Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Booksellers 23 A Connaught Place 248001 Dehradun INDIEN
Preis netto 57,90
USD Preis netto 63,7
ISBN/ISSN 9788194332305
ISBN 9788194332305
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