Book ID: 43131
RICARD, Michel (ed.)
Ouvrage dedie à la Mémoire du Professeur Henry GERMAIN (1903-1989). Avec la collaboration de Michel Coste. 1990. Beaucoup de planches. 265 p. gr8vo. (ISBN 978-3-87429-322-8).
This is a memorial volume for Prof. Henry Germain. - Contents:Forewords/ R.Corillion & M.Coste: Professor Henry Germain (1903-1989)/J.Carter: A new Eunotia and its great morphological variations under stress caused by a habitat loaded with copper salts/ A.Cazaubon: Benthic and drifting diatoms from a mediterranean river, similar or different populations?/ P.Compere: Observations on the valve ultrastructure of Hantzschia distinctepunctata Hustedt/ M.Coste & M.Ricard: Freshwate rdiatoms from Tahiti and Moorea islands (Society archipelago, FrenchPolynesia)/ E.Cox: Biremis ambigua (Cleve) D.G.Mann, an unusual marine epipelic diatom in need of further investigation/ J.Darley: Pinnularia atlasi nov.sp.: a new diatom from Morocco/ H.Hakansson: Cyclotella tripartita nov.sp. (Bacillariophyceae) and the relationship to similar taxa/ N.I.Hendey & P.A.Sims: Some observations on variation in the valve structure of Asterolampra schmidtii Hajos, a useful stratigraphic marker for the early Oligocene/ J.John: The Diatom flora of the microbial communities associated with stromatolites at Shark Bay, Indian Ocean,West Coast of Australia/ K.T.Kiss, R. le Cohu, M.Coste, S.I.Genkal, V.Houk: Actinocyclus normanii (Bacillariophyceae) in some rivers and lakes in Europe. Morphological examinations and quantitative relations/ R.Klee, S.Schiefele & E.Hert: Planktonic and benthic diatoms of lake Malawi/J.P.Kociolek & E.F.Stoermer: A new, highly variable Gomphonema species from the Laurentian Great Lakes/ K.Krammer: Identity oCocconeis diminuta Pantocsek and Cocconeis thumensis A. Mayer/H.Lange-Bertalot, M.Ruppel & S.Sabater: Conopeum-like structures in Pennate Diatoms/ D.G.Mann: Evidence from sexual reproduction and protoplast structure concerning the relationships of the heterovalvar diatom Campylopyxis/ N.Navarro: Observations on Biddulphia tridens Ehrenberg/ J.F.Pierre: Holocene Diatoms from Jankho Kkota lake (BolivianCordillera)/ E.Reichardt & H.Lange-Bertalot: Fragilaria germainii, eine zweite Fragilaria-Art mit diatomoiden Rippenstrukturen/ Y.Rince: Diatoms from estrans, salt marshes and estuaries of the Loire river litoral areas. 1. Fragilariales, Fragilariae (sensu Hustedt)/ F.E.Round:Morphology, ecology and taxonomy, two examples of their interaction in diatoms/ F.A.S.Sterrenburg: Studies on the genera Gyrosigma and Pleurosigma (Bacillariophyceae). A new phenomenon: co-existence of dissimilar raphe structures in populations of several species/F.Straub: Compared variability of Achnanthes lanceolata (Breb.) Grunov.2. Biometrical approach of several races of the sub-species frequentissima Lange-Bertalot/ J.J.Sullivan: A light and scanning electron microscope study of the marine epiphytic diatom Amphora obtusiuscula Grunow/ D.M.Williams: Fragilaria floridana Hanna:Ultrastructure of the valve and girdle and its transference to Fragilariforma Williams & Round.