Book ID: 106166
Athanasiadis, Athanas
Phycologia Europaea Rhodophyta. 2 volumes. 2016. illus. 1554 p. 4to. Paper bd.
This publication is an update of the work 'Taxonomisk literatur och biogeografi av skandinaviska roed alger och brunalger (1996)' of the same author. It has been significantly enlarged including taxa from the NE Atlantic, the Mediterranean, the Black and Caspian Seas, also Scandinavia and the Arctic Ocean. The text is analytic compiling protologues, illustrations, and other information from essential publications since Linné. Synthetic grouping taxa based on the same type. Summarizes for the first time the European literature on red algae. Includes chapters on early algal classifications and the roots of systematics. - A heavy set (4 kg)