Book ID: 104693
Sharma, Gopal and Hasko F. Nesemann
Pictorial Guide to Aquatic Macrophytes of the Damodar River Basin in Jharkhand and West Bengal, India (With additional records of the Gangetic Plains). 2013. Approx. 190 col. photogr. IV, 206 p. 8vo. Hardcover.
A field guide. Covers Characeae/ Azollaceae/ Salviniaceae/Marsileaceae/ Nymphaeaceae/ Nelumbonaceae/ Ranunculaceae/ Haloragaceae/Menyathaceae/ Convolvulaceae/ Lentibulariaceae/ Scrophulariaceae/Alismataceae/ Hydrocharitaceae/ Najadaceae/ Potamogetonaceae/Zanichelliaceae/ Aponogetonaceae/ Pondederiaceae/ Araceae/ Lemnaceae.