Book ID: 82524
Maunder, Mike, Colin Clubbe, Clare Hankamer and Madeleine Groves (eds.)
Plant Conservation in the Tropics. Perspectives and Practice. 2002. XXVII, 628 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Presents a set of case studies drawn from Africa (Cameroon, Kenya,Tanzania, Uganda), Galapagos Islands, Mauritius, Seychelles, Trinidad.Central and South America (Brazil, Mexico), S.E. Asia (Indonesia,Singapore) and Australia. Designed to give plant conservationists inthe tropics familiarity with implementation of the Convention ofBiological Diversity in line with current practice, and best practicefrom material developed by The World Conservation Union SpeciesSurvival Commission (IUCN/SSC) including application of the IUCN RedList Categories of Threat.