Book ID: 112403
Bosch, c. H., J. S. Siemonsma, R.H.M.J. Lemmens and L. P. A. Oyen (eds.)
Plant Resources of Africa: Basic list of species and commodity grouping. 2002. 341 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Second hand copy. Good condition.
This 'Basic list of species and commodity grouping' forms the skeleton of the PROTA Databank, being a checklist of the plant resources of Tropical Africa. The 6376 species (8390 scientific names) are presented in two ways. The first part (Chapter 2) lists the species alphabetically by scientific name, followed by the family name and the Primary Use (PU), i.e. the number of the commodity group to which the species has been assigned. The second part (Chapter 3) presents the same species but arranged per commodity group, followed by the family name and the Secondary Uses (SU).