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Book ID: 40181
WHITE, Timothy L. and Gary R.HODGE

Predicting Breeding Values with Ap- plications in Forest Tree Improvement. 1989. (Forestry Sciences, 33). diagr. 367 p. gr8vo. Hard cover.

This book, for quantitative geneticsts and plant and animal breeders,describes the theory and applications of three analytical techniquesuseful in plant and animal breeding programs: Best Linear Prediction(BLP), Selection Index, and Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP).These techniques are useful in all plant and animal breeding programsespecially those that have genetic test data that are unbalanced, ofvariable qualities, from several environments, from several types ofrelatives and ancestors or span a range of ages or generations. Thebook begins with 3 chapters that develop the necessary mathematical andstatistical background. Then, for each of the three techniques,remaining chapters on each technique rely heavily on numerical examplesto 1. demonstrate how to apply the technique to real data sets and 2.develop intuitive concepts about how the technique handles differenttypes of data. Problems at the back of each chapter reinforce conceptsand demonstrate different applications. The problems are answered at theback of the book to allow the reader to check their work.
Autor/Hrsg. WHITE, Timothy L. and Gary R.HODGE
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) WHITE, Timothy L. and Gary R.HODGE
Seiten WHITE, Timothy L. and Gary R.HODGE: Predicting Breeding Values with Ap- plications in Forest Tree Improvement. 1989. (Forestry Sciences, 33). diagr. 367 p. gr8vo. Hard cover. (40181) 46.00
Reihentitel Forestry Sciences
Verlag Kluwer Academic Publishers Group B.V. Sales Department
Preis netto 42,99
USD Preis netto 45,6
ISBN/ISSN 9780792304609
ISBN 9780792304609
Akt. Subkriptionspreis Nein
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46,00 € inkl. MwSt (EU – Käufer) *
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(45,60 US$)
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