Book ID: 7715
OPTIMA - Meeting
Proceedings of the II OPTIMA-Meeting,Firenze 23-29 May 1977: F.1979.(Webbia,34:1).illustrated.551 p.gr8vo.Paper bd.
OPTIMA (Organization for the Phytotaxonomic Investigation of theMediterranean Area) met in Firenze in May 1977, gathering more than170 botanics.- Contents(abbreviated): Introd./ Acknowledgments/Committees/ List of Participants/ Meetings Program/ Votes/ Excursions(Monte Ferrato/ Western Tuscany)/ Communications: Arrigoni,P.V.: Legenre 'Santolina' en Italie/ Brullo,S.: Taxonomic and nomenclaturalnotes on the genera Iasonia Cass and Chiliadenus Cass. (Compositae)/Brullo,S. and F.Furnari: Euhesperidia linearifolia, gen. et spec. nov.of Labiatae of Cyrenaica/ Brullo,S. and Furnari: Researches on the genusAmaracus Gled. (Labiatae) in Cyrenaica/ Brullo,S. and F.Furnari:Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on the Flora of Cyrenaica (Libya)/Castroviejo,S.: Synthese des progres dans la domaine de la recherchefloristique et literature sur la flore de la region mediterraneenne/Davis,P.H.: Towards a supplement for the Flora of Turkey/ Di Martino,A.and F.M.Raimondo: Biological and chorological survey of the Sicilianflora/ Erben,M.: Karyotype differentiation and its consequences inMediterranean Limonium/ Fernandez Casas J. and Munoz Garmendia: Depteridophytis hispanicis notulae chorologicae/ Filipello,S.: Projets,problemes et aboutissements de la conservation de la flore et de lavegetation en Italie/ Folch i Guillen,R.: Conservation de la nature etamenagement forestier: possibilites de cooperation et danger de conflit/Garbari,F.: Cytotaxonomical and biosystematic aspects of theMediterranean Flora of Italy/ Garbari,F., Greuter,W. and P.Miceli: TheAllium cupanii group: a preliminary taxonomic, caryological and leafanatomical study/ Etc. (a photocopy of the complete table of contentsis available free of charge).