Book ID: 67833
Camus, J. M., M. Gibby and R. J. Johns (eds.)
Pteridology in Perspective. Proceedings of the Holttum Memorial Pteridophyte Symposium. Kew 1995. Publ.1996. XX,700 p.gr8vo.Hardcover.
Contains the reviewed papers and posters presented at the symposium.-Contents (partly): Vascular plants and time/ A short account of the life of Richard Eric Holttum (1895 - 1990) tropical botanist and religious thinker/ Holttum and ferns/ Mapping the world's pteridophyte species diversity- systematics and flora/ Measurements of pteridophyte species diversity in Malesia and New Zealand/ Diversity, status and ecology of pteridophytes in three forests in Mindanao, Philippines/ The genus Hymenophyllum Smith in the Greater Antilles/ The importance of the Andes as a barrier to migration, as illustrated by the pteridophytes of the Choco phytogeographic region/ Distribution of pteridophyte diversity and endemism in Peru/ Neotropical Huperzia (Lycopodiaceae)-distribution of species richness.