Book ID: 82376
Wing Ming Keung
Pueraria. The Genus Pueraria. 2002. (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Industrial Profiles). 6 col. photogr. 60 line - figs. 45 tabs. XVIII, 291 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Chapter headings: Pueraria: botanical characteristics/ Ethnobotanyof Pueraria species/ Pueraria (Ge) in traditional Chinese herbalmedicine/ Pueraria tuberosa DC: contraceptive efficacy and toxicologicalprofile/ Chemical constituents and phamrmacology of the rejuvenatingplant P. mirifera/ Biosynthesis and natural functions of Puerariaisoflavonoids/ Pharmacological effects of Pueraria isoflavones oncardiovascular system/ Preclinical studies of kudzu (Pueraria lobata)as a treatment for alcohol abuse/ Human studies of kudzu as atreatment for alcohol abuse/ etc.