Book ID: 101241
Flora of China
Revised and condensed English language edition of "Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae". Volume 20-21: Asteraceae. 2011. XII, 991 p. 4to. Hardcover.
This is the largest single volume of the Flora of China, entirely devoted to the daisy family (Asteraceae, or Compositae), with 2325 species described in 248 genera and 15 tribes. Among these, the largest genera are the dandelions (Taraxacum, 116 species), the asters (Aster, 123 species), Ligularia (123 species), the wormwoods (Artemisia, 186 species), and the saw-worts and snow lotuses (Saussurea, 289 species). Eighteen genera and 1,131 species of Asteraceae are endemic to China, i.e., 48.6% of the total. This corresponds closely with the overall percentage 50.5% of endemic seed plants in China.