Book ID: 29458
Seventy-Five Years in Ecology. The British Ecological Society. 1987. 39 illustr. XIV,301 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
This book is in effect celebrating a hundred years of ecology. In it,publications and material from the Society's archives are included, andthe text is supported by a wide range of additional published andmanuscript material. In looking at the earlier history of the Society,the book provides a considerable amount of background information ontrends in ecological thinking and activity. As a reference with awide-ranging readership, the book aims to provide a context andperspective for those making more detailed investigations of the oftenintricate, but usually fascinating, history of how ecology came tooccupy its present position in the sciences in Britain. - Contents:Part 1: The First Ecological Society in the World (Beginnings/Vegetation Mapping/ Self-Conscious Ecology/ The British VegetationCommittee/ The British Ecological Society)/ Part 2: The FirstQuarter-Century, 1913-1938 (Disillusionment in 'a Goldfield ofUnquestionable Richness'/ The Ecological Constituency/ The PlantCommunity and the Ecosystem/ 'The British Islands and their Vegetation'/Animal Ecology/ Common Causes in Plant and Animal Ecology)/ Part 3:The Second Quarter-Century, 1939-1963 (Continuity and Change/ TheProtection of Wildlife/ The Business of the Society/ Ecology at theMid-Century/ The Nature Conservancy)/ Part 4: The Third Quarter-Century,1964-1988 (Overhauling the Society's Affairs/ The Journal of AppliedEcology/ The Annual Round of Meetings/ The Society and the EnvironmentalRevolution/ A More Outward-Looking Society/ The Presidential Viewpoint)/Appendix: Honorary Members and Officers of the Society/ Notes/References/ Index.