Book ID: 101342
Riaux - Gobin, Cathérine, Oscar E. Romero, Pierre Compère and Adil Y. Al - Handal
Small - sized Achnanthales (Bacillariophyta) from coral sands off Mascarenes (Western Indian Ocean). 2011. (Bibl. Diat.,57). 88 pls. 2 tabs. 1 map. 234 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Benthic marine diatoms from tropical environments are stillpoorly documented, despite their high diversity. Coral reefbiotopes of the Mascarene Islands (Western Indian OceanArchipelago: Réunion, Mauritius, Rodrigues Islands) providethe opportunity to study a large part of their diatom community:the abundant small-sized Achnanthales treated here. Diatomsof other environments of very variable nutrient status werestudied in Réunion and Rodrigues Islands and include areasof both low and high anthropogenic impact. This monographdescribes taxa of seven genera, upon which Cocconeis Ehrenbergwas particularly diverse. Scanning and light microscopeinvestigations document and illustrate a total of 59 taxa, eightof them are new descriptions from these islands. This studyserves as a basis for further investigations in the Mascarenes,Réunion the Rodrigues Islands and other tropical areas.