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Book ID: 313
STANLEY, Trevor D. and Estelle M.ROSS

Flora of South-eastern Queens- land. Volume 1, with contributions by L.Pedley, R.J.F.Henderson and S.T. Reynolds. 1983. (Reprint 1995). 80 figs. 8 maps in the text. IV, 545 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

Second hand copy. Good condition. - From theintroduction: This flora has been written to provide a means ofidentifying the various families, genera and species of angiosperms andgymnosperms, both native and naturalized, that occur in south-easternQueensland. The ferns and fern allies have been covered by S.B.Andrewsin "The Ferns of Queensland" (Qld.Govt.Printer 1982); other cryptogamshave been excluded as large numbers of them are imperfectly known. Theregion covered by the book covers an area of about 184.600 sqkm. out ofthe total land area of Queensland of about 1.728.000 sqkm. Thepublication is aimed at the student, the naturalist, the agriculturist,in fact anyone wishing to know the names of the wild plants they seeabout them. It will consist of three volumes. Volume 1 contains the keyto the families of dicotyledons and descriptions of about half of thenumber of species of dicotyledons in south-eastern Queensland. The second volume will contain the remainder of the dicotyledons. Volume 3will describe the monocotyledons and the gymnosperms found in the region, and contain a key to the families in these groups. The systematic arrangement of families used is based on the system ofH.Melchior (ed.)/A.Engler- Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien Berlin (1964).The family Proteaceae, which is placed between Urticaceae and Olacaceae,however, has not been included in the first volume as large sections ofthe family were under review at the time of preparation of the text. TheProteaceae will be included in Volume 2 so that the treatment can include any changes brought about by the modern revisions. A descriptionof each family, genus and species is given together with keys to thefamilies, genera and species. The author is cited for each genus andspecies and infraspecific taxon recognized as occurring in Queensland.Where the species is known but not yet formally named, it appears as,for example, HIBBERTIA sp. - Contents (partly): Notes on the generalfeatures of south-eastern Queensland (Climate/ Physical features/ Soils/Vegetation)/ Notes on the collection of plant specimens/ Notes on theuse of keys/ Abbreviations and symbols/ Glossary of botanical terms/ Keyto the families of flowering plants (Dicotyledons): 1: Casuarinaceae toSapindaceae. - Second hand copy. Good state.
Autor/Hrsg. STANLEY, Trevor D. and Estelle M.ROSS
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) STANLEY, Trevor D. and Estelle M.ROSS
Seiten STANLEY, Trevor D. and Estelle M.ROSS: Flora of South-eastern Queens- land. Volume 1, with contributions by L.Pedley, R.J.F.Henderson and S.T. Reynolds. 1983. (Reprint 1995). 80 figs. 8 maps in the text. IV, 545 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. (313) 73.83
Verlag Kleinsteuber Books
Preis netto 69,00
USD Preis netto 73,1
ISBN/ISSN 2240000003139
ISBN 2240000003139
Akt. Subkriptionspreis Nein
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73,83 € inkl. MwSt (EU – Käufer) *
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