Book ID: 96682
Gryzenhout, Marieka, Brenda D. Wingfield and Michael J. Wingfield
Taxonomy, Phylogeny, and Ecology of Bark-Inhabiting and Tree-Pathogenic Fungi in the Cryphonectriaceae. 2009. color photogr. b/w figs. XII, 119 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Introduction: History of the Cryphonectriaceae and its members / Diseases and ecology: Pathogen identification / Working with the Cryphonectriaceae / Identification of genera and species / Dichotomous key to genera / Synoptic key to genera / Descriptions / Species exluded of of questionable validity / Literature cited / List of abbreviations / Index of figures / Index to fungal names / Index to hostnames / Host-fungus index.