Book ID: 9829
The 25th Systematics- Palynology and Systematics, St.Louis 20-21 October 1978. Publ.1979. (Annals of the Miss.Bot.Gdn., 66:4). illustrated. 313 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Form and Function in Angiosperm Pollen (Jan Muller)/ Pollen Morphology:The Potential Influence of Higher Order Systematics (Joan W.Nowicke &John J.Skvarla)/ Ontogeny of Exineless Pollenin Heliconia, a BananaRelative (Donald E.Stone, Susan C.Sellers & John Kress)/ ComparativePollen Morphology of the American Myristicaceous Genera Compsoneura andVirola (James W.Walker & Audrey G.Walker)/ etc.