Book ID: 8524
ROYEN, P. van
The Asteraceae of the High Mountains of New Guinea. 1983. (Ex: Royen, The Alpine Flora of New Guinea, vol. 4). 17 photographic plates. 93 figs. (line-drawings). II,313 p. gr8vo. Bound. (ISBN 978-3-7682-1355-4)
In the entire island 9 tribes of Asteraceae are represented. In theareas above 3000 m. altitude this number is reduced to 6 and comprisesthe Anthemideae, Astereae, Cichorieae, Heliantheae, Inuleae, and theSenecioneae, of which the Astereae with 8 genera is the best represented. In the Astereae the genera Olearia and Tetramolopium withrespectively 15 and 24 species form the bulk of the Asteraceae found inthe alpine regions. The total number of species in that belt is 101(102?) distributed over 21 genera. Of the 21 genera only 2 are endemicto New Guinea, viz. Piora in the Astereae and Ischnea in the Anthemideae.