Book ID: 34902
TAYLOR, Anne and Stephen HOPPER
The Banksia Atlas. 1988. (Australian Flora and Fauna Series, 8). 26 col.pls. 15 figs. many diagr. tabs. maps. XIV,258 p. lex8vo. Paper bd.
Where do the 75 species of Australian Banksias grow in the wild? Thisbook reports on a project aimed at addressing the question in a novelway for Australian plants. The "Banksia Atlas" program was started bythe Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Mangementand ran for three years (1984-1986). During the three years of theprogram, the Banksias were mapped and studied at a level of detailsurpassed in few groups of Australian plants. Banksias turned up inunexpected places and new species were identified. Significantcontributions were made to knowledge of their response to fire, to thetiming of flowering and new shoot growth, and on the habitats in whichthey grow. Many conservation problems were elucidated and promisingareas for further research have been identified. Thus, the Atlas complements existing literature in providing accurate maps and acompendium of ecological and reproductive information as recorded bycontributors.