Book ID: 33766
HOOG, G.S. de, M.Th.SMITH and A.C.M.WEIJMAN (eds.)
The expanding realm of yeast-like fungi. Proceedings of an international symposium on the perspectives of taxonomy, ecology and phylogeny of yeasts and yeast-like fungi, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, 3-7 August 1987. 1987. (CBS Symposia Ser., no. 1, also publ. as Studies in Mycology, no. 30). figs. tabs. 510 p. gr8vo. Hard cover.
Contents (partly): R.Kokke: Fungi, how I see them/ Introduction - Hoog: Taxonomic aims in the yeast-like fungi/ A taxonomic survey:J.P. van der Walt: The yeasts - a conspectus/ H.Prillinger: Are thereyeasts in Homobasidiomycetes?/ F.Oberwinkler: Heterobasidiomycetes withontogenetic yeast stages - systematic and phylogenetic aspects/ K.J.Kwon-Chung: Filobasidiaceae - a taxonomic survey/ R.J.Bandoni: Taxonomicoverview of the Tremellales/ etc. - Taxonomic methods: R.T.Moore:Micromorphology of yeasts and yeast-like fungi and its taxonomicimplications/ K.-D.Jahnke: Assessing natural relationships by DNAanalysis techniques and applications/ P.A.Blanz and M.Unseld: RibosomalRNA as a taxonomic tool in mycology/ G.D.Clark-Walker, P.Hoeben,A.Plazinska, D.K.Smith and E.H.Wimmer: Application of mitochondrial DNAanalysis to yeast systematics/ M.Erard, D.Barker and J.Green: Ischromosome condensation a phylogenetic marker?/ etc. - Ecology/ Thespecies problem/ Concluding remarks/ Appendix: G.S. de Hoog: Selectedreferences to genera of yeast-like fungi/ Index.