Book ID: 9450
Stewart, J. L. a. D. Brandis
The Forest Flora of the North-West and Central India. 2 vols. (Kew 1874.) Reprint 1972. 70 pls. 613 p. Cloth.
The object was to give an account of the aborescent vegetation in the forest tracts of the Panjab, the North-West Provinces, and of those forests in the Central Provinces which are situated in the Maikal and Satpura range of mountains. The northern limit may be defined as the arid treeless zone of the inner Himalaya. While to the South the territory is bounded by the open forestless plain which skirts the base of the Maikal and Satpura range from Bilaspur to Berar. The western limit is the Panjab frontier, along the foot of the Suliman range, and eastward the territory is bounded by a broken line, which follows the Nepal frontier, first along the Sadra of Kali river, and afterwards parallel with the foot of the Himalaya, until it touches the great Gandak River. -The number of indigenous shrubs and trees described is about 700, and about 80 introduced and cultivated plants have been added.