Book ID: 41429
The Freshwater Fishes of Western Borneo (Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia). 1989. (Mem.Cal.Acad. of Sc., no. 14). 138 figs. XII, 210 p. Lex8vo. Cloth.
This monographs on the freshwater fishes of western Borneo orKalimantan Barat, Indonesia, is based on the extensive collections madeduring the author's ichthyological survey of the Kapuas River basin in1976, as well as on material from earlier collections deposited inEuropean museums. The ichthyofauna includes about 290 species belongingto 120 genera annd 40 families. The introduction includes generalremarks on the freshwater ichthyofauna of western Borneo and itsgeographical distribution, a brief historical sketch of East Indianichthyology, with particular reference to freshwater fishes of westernBorneo, an essay on reproductive biology of freshwater fishes in westernBorneo and a detailed description of collecting localities of the 1976Kapuas survey. The systematic account includes a brief introductorystatemeent for each family, formal synonymies for almost all includedgenera annd species, identification keys for some groups, comparativemorphological and meristic data for many groups, detailed information onfood habits and reproductive biology for some species, and geographicaldistribution for all species for which reliable information is available. The monograph is extensively illustrated with black-and-whitephotographs and line drawings. The literature cited provides a nearlycomplete bibliography for systematic study of Bornean freshwater fishesto the end of 1984.